Weightlifting Checks

Weightlifting Checks
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Pumping Iron

If you can tell me of a better way to feel the burn other than lifting weights- I'd like to hear about it.

Fact: The fastest way to burn fat is to build more muscle.

But there are many reasons people like you pick up those barbells, and push it to the limit on the bench-press. You get more energy when you're lifting. Endorphins pump through your body giving you a natural high. Not to mention, you're also looking pretty good in that mirror.

Let Weightlifting Personal Checks from CheckAdvantage remind you to hit the gym. No pain, no gain!

Get your very own Weightlifting Personal Checks today!

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Item # CPIL0729

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Account number begins with symbol MICR On-Us Symbol Yes No

Deposit Slip Routing Same As Check? Yes No

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